SEPT. 27th AND 28th 1999
The 1999 AFSA GNC US Strongman Championships will be on ESPN November 12 and 22.
9/16/99 The 1998 Full Strength Challenge will be shown on ESPN2 at 7:30 pm, Pacific Standard Time & 11:30 (or10:30) Eastern Standard Time, Check local listings to confirm the time in your geographic area.
The contest ran well, and could have and should have run better...but more on that later. Stick with the positives!
A lot of new faces and and a few familiar ones to. Some of the younger guys showing incredible heart and guts, laying it all out on the line.
Place | Competitor | Pts. |
1. | Odd Haugen | 41 |
2. | Brian Schoonveld | 36 |
3. | Jim Glassman | 34 |
4. | Chad Coy | 32.5 |
5. | Shawn Smith | 25 |
5. | Harold Collins | 25 |
5. | John Beatty | 25 |
8. | Michael Gillert | 23.5 |
9. | Gary Mitchell | 18 |
10. | Steven Bell | 15 |
The Qualifier, Day 1
The events are as follows:
- Farmers Walk(I think will need to be changed soon to the
"Farmers Sprint")
- 240lbs cylinders, three laps, 225ft for time.
- The Forward Hold.
- A Half Keg, weighted to 55lbs, with handle, held for time.
- The Tire Flip(in this case, The Bicep-Buster)
- The intention was to have a 700 to 800lbs tire to flip over a 80ft course, But in actuality, the wrong tires were delivered, and there were 2 1300+lbs. tires there!
- The "Push, Load, Push, Load and Push", or what ever you want
to call it.
- A Two Wheeled Dolly, fitted with a large barrel containing 2 125lbs sacks of sand, pushed 1/3 up the course, then 2 more sacks are loaded in, and the dolly is pushed another 1/3 up the course, where two more sacks are loaded in, then a mad dash to the finish line.
The top 8 from here proceed to the finals the next day. There was a tie for 8th place so the made it 10 to the finals.
The Finals, DAY 2
(There were a few last minute changes to the original script)
- The Pole Push.(what a way to start your day)
- Two competitors are put in a head to head confirmation, each trying to push the other out of the circle. Very "Sumo-esque"
- The Log Press for reps.
- A 240lbs log, cleaned and pressed(from two large tires 2 1/2 ft off the ground) for reps, each rep is to be cleaned, 90sec time limit.
- The "Housefell-Sack" carry
- A duffel bag, filled with 300lbs of sand, and duct-taped, to be carried for distance./li>
- The Car Flip.
- A late 80's Ford Escort, fitted with bars on the rockers, a role cage, and striped of engine and glass, to be rolled 360 degrees, and rolled back to the starting point.
- The Loading Event.
- 5 Half Kegs, ranging from 200lbs to 300lbs, to be moved and loaded onto a stepped raised platform, for time
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Now for the negatives:
There are the usual problems with putting on one of these contests, but my beef is with the supposed testing that went on.
The truck walk was canceled at the last minute, because they couldn't pick it up. But I guess thats better than the tire.
The Tire, Who do you point the finger at? The tires that were delivered were the right size or dimension, but were the wrong ply: 22 ply instead of 16 ply, or 1300+lbs. vs. 800lbs. So what's the big deal you say? a few people actually got a flip or two. How about the injures? I tore a bicep /span>
, Harold tore his more, Terry Brenen tore his more, Gary sprained his multi-rebuilt knee, Chad strained a calf when the turf split on a seam and it won't look good for TV! These are supposed to be America's strongest, people see WSM competitors flip tires all the time, but not this heavy! We looked like fools!
The last event on Saturday, the push, load and push... I'm sorry, it looked like last minute scrambling for an event. Though, It did work.
And the culprit of the whole weekend, the astro-turf. This stuff kept sliding, bumping, and separating at the seams. On the tire flip, the push, load and push, the pole push, and the car flip. I'm sure it will look good on TV, but it's a competitors nightmare.
That's enough Bitching and Moaning! Now we just lick our wounds and wait for next year!