Viking 2000 ! 
Svend Karlsen, November 30th
Hello everybody ! 

I'm now in very good shape and training harder then ever to prepare me for next year's Grand Prix events, and WSM of course. And to get me ready to be a father, yes my girlfriend and I are expecting a child the 1st of May. 

So for this next year I have more to fight for than ever, and I hope to see that in the results from the shows. 

Just now I do most of my training in gyms and only train events once a week, but my plan is to do the other way around after x-mas. 

I'm very strong with the weights at the moment and have done some personal best lifts just recently. Like deadlift from blocks: 450 kg starting 10 cm below the midpoint of my knee. And in deadlift standing on blocks: 6 reps with 330 kg starting from my toe. 

In squat I've done 340 kg sitting down as far as possible for 3 sec before going up. (And I don't use any equipment, well just a belt. And squat bodybuilding still) 

I am also starting to get my pressing power back, and it's getting there. I think I have about 95% of what I used to have. As U all know it wasn't something to write home about at this years WSM, ha-ha. But I assure U it will be again. 

I will hold U informed about anything going on and I'm just waiting for some pictures that Sami will put up. 

Viking regards Svend ! 

Sami, December 9th
Svend also wrote WSL to let us know his seminars are going very well and gather a lot of audience. Last week he was in Sveden judging a strongman show! 

Here's some extracts of older mails you will find interesting: 

Svend,  October 26th
Just a note from Norway. My training is going very well and I'm training harder than ever. There is no time to rest now, I will for sure be in my best shape ever coming into next year's events. I'm now weighing 150 kg in good shape (not fat) and training weights very heavy. I did 6 reps with 150 kg press behind neck (free weights) last week, I will for sure not be out of pressing power in the next meet (like I was now in WSM). And I will be training stones once a week to be better with them, and so far I'm very pleased with my results in training (stones 120-130-140-150-160 kg up to 130 cm in 13.50 sec is my best so far). But I'm not doing them in full speed every training, I do 4 stones (max 150 kg) 4 times in about 75 % of max effort. 

Svend,  October 26th
There is no events before Helsinki that I know about, but if there is and they invite me I will go. Yes, I do a lot of standing presses also, but with dumbbell's and it gives you even more stability. By the way I have dumbbells up to 100 kg now!!!! 

Take care, viking regards from Svend and Lene.