
The Legendary Samson Stones©


By Mark Samson Keshishian

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Like other "Strength Stones" throughout the world, and throughout the annals of time, following the tradition of proving one’s manhood by performing feats of strength. This is a story of another set of these proving stones: The SAMSON STONES
Like other "Strength Stones" throughout the world, and throughout the annals of time, following the tradition of proving one’s manhood by performing feats of strength. This is a story of another set of these proving stones: The SAMSON STONES

      The Samson Stones were named after my great-grandfather, Samson Orjanian. These stones were thought to be lost during the October Revolution of 1917. It was during this time that my great-grandfather, Samson, was thrown in a gulag by the Bolshevik government. The Bolsheviks were threatened by him because his physical prowess (which he developed my lifting the stones every morning), his leadership abilities and vast land-holdings.  After several years in the gulag where he was attached to the gang labor details, my great-grandmother, bribed an official, and got him released. It was at this time Samson took his wife, and four children, and fled the country. Leaving with only what the family could carry:  a loaf of bread and an extra pair of shoes. Left behind was the Orjanian vast estates, farms, wealth and, of course, "THE STONES".

       With the institution of Gorbachev's glasnost policy, and its subsequent domino-effect throughout Europe, I finally was able to trace my great grandfather's exodus from Russia.  I found my ancestral estate which had been converted into a provisional KGB headquarters. Once I arrived there, it took months of excavating finding clues here and there to pinpoint the whereabouts of the Legendary Stones. But on March 7th, 1993, I prevailed, I had found all five "Samson Stones."  The stones were in tact, no less! After smuggling the stones out of the country on a rickety old steamer, I secured passage on a ship, bound for the USA.

       So after this long ordeal, I present the Legendary



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