Celebration after the 56 pound for height record was broken |
The 56 pound wieght toss for height |
Kaz benching his 661 pound wr |
Caber toss with a 18' 240# caber |
His world record 887 pull |
Kaz was the first man to lift all five McGlashen stones in competition |
The number 5 again |
Bill's massive back |
At the Ultimate Challenge 87, he shouldered the number 3 and negotiated a course |
A lat shot at 330 pounds and 7% bodyfat |
Here he is demolishing the side lateral dumbell record of Cyr |
Pressing the Thomas Inch Dumbell-that had only been deadlifted by 4 other people in 100 years |
Super Kaz served as a commentator at the 1997 WSM Competition |
Hjalti Arnason and Kaz grapple in a bear hug |
A comparison between Kaz and Jon Pall |
As a competitor at the WSM Competition |
At the 1988 WSM Competition deadlifting a cart |
With the Crunch Bunch-a strongman football team |
Farmers walk against Jon Pall |
The girl lift or quasi-squat at WSM |
A young Bill circa 1976 |
Super Kaz, there can be only one |
With the competitors in 1988 |