Sunday, June 28th, 1998
The second inductee
Jan Dillinger of York Barbell: You are probably wondering why we didn't do lady's first. Ruthie insisted that she not be first. (pause) Ruthie was also quite a bit ahead of her time in powerlifting. She is a four time world champion and was clearly one of the lighter classes light years ahead of her competition. Could we bring up Ruthie please.
(The crowd cheered and applauded while she accepted the award)
Click on the above thumbnail images to enlarge them. The first image is © York Barbell and the remaining are © McShane Enterprises. No duplication is permitted.
Ruthie Shafer: When I got a call to receive this, I really thought what I had done in powerlifting had been forgotten. It's kind of nice to know that it really wasn't. There's one person who's not here today that I really want to thank and that's my coach and mentor Doyle Kenady. He spent every holiday during the women's lifting season which begins in August and runs through May, in the gym with me: Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, giving his time and his efforts and I appreciate him and thank him again. I was with me through my two major surgeries, held my hand as I learned to walk again and really helped me get back on my feet and I thank you all for coming today and honoring us.
The audience cheered and gave and standing ovation to a really deserving world class athlete.