
ASL Interview with Ryan Vierra |
© VP Productions
An Interview with Mr. Vierra
Held on June 28th, 1998
ASL: Would you care to share with us some statistical and biographical information? Such as your date of birth, your measurements, your best lifts and throws, your educational background, and any family information you would care to provide.
Vierra: I was born on August 23rd, 1968. This would make me 29 years old. I am six feet tall and weigh 285 pounds. I am from the Lindsey clan. I am a professional Scottish Highland Games athlete.
My best performances in the events are as follows:
Events Statistics: Distance
l6lbs Open Stone 59.5
l7lbs Open Stone 58.5
221bs Braemar Stone 47.0
261bs Braemar Stone 38.8
l6lbs Hammer 150.9
221bs Hammer 120.1
281bs for Distance 92.8 1/2
561bs for Distance 46.10.1/2
l6lbs Sheaf Toss 37.0
2Olbs Sheaf Toss 31.0
561bs for Height 16.0
Caber ( 23' x l30lbs) 12:00x2
Strongman Events:
Donanun Stones for Time 21.4sec
981bs Stone for Distance 15.11
1251bs Stone 12.9
Flint Stone (Press Overhead) 3741bs
Some of my career highlights include: 98 World Champion, 97 Pro Athlete of the Year ( SAAA), 97 World Champion, 97 U.S. Champion, 97 World Open Stone Champ, 97 Celtic Classic Champion, 97 Keith Tice Mem. (Hammer)-winner, 96 Pro Athlete of the Year ( SAAA), 96World Champion, 96 World Open Stone Champ, 96 U.S. Championships, 96 Celtic Classic Champion, 96 Fergus North American Champ, 96 Keith Tice Memorial (Hammer)-winner, 95 Pro Athlete of the Year ( SAAA), 95 World Championships-fifth place, 95 U.S. Champion, 95 Keith Tice Memorial (Hammer)-winner.
I have set 160 Games records, 7 international records, 2 North American and American Records and 2 World Championship records.
My best gym lifts are as follows:
*Power Cleans - 385 pounds
*Power Snatch -245 pounds (Stopped going heavy in 1992)
*Push Press -374 pounds
*Squats - 640 pounds (for a double -just knee raps and a belt)
*Jump Shrugs -600 pounds For a double
Deadlifts - 535 pounds (Stopped after High School, 1986)
Bench Press - 410 pounds (Stopped after College, 1992)
* = Primary lifts
I have a 32 inch vertical jump. I have been clocked in the 40 in 4.5 seconds
ASL: I just want to note that Mr. Vierra's full career highlights can be found by clicking here. Please continue.
Vierra: I attended Modesto Jr. College from 1988 to 1990. Then, I received Full ride Scholarship to (CSUN) Cal State University, Northridge from 1990 to 1992.
I have a wife named Christina Vierra. We've been married for five years. I have 1 Daughter, Brooke Marie Vierra, who was born on 2-19-98. We live in Turlock, California.

© VP Productions
ASL: I understand from Steve Pulcinella that you are beginning your own strongman federation called, I believe, the US Strongman Federation. Is this true? Will it be a national organization? Is there an event coming up soon?
Vierra: Yes, we are currently in the process of forming the USA versus The World competition. This event will feature the top strongmen from around the world, going head to head with America's best. The event will take place on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, near Monterey, California on the 5th of June 1999. We are also looking at some other opportunities for this year.
ASL: Are you a professional highland games athlete or do you have a business or job also?
Vierra: Yes, primarily I compete Professionally in the Highland Games, but recently I have partnered up with Kurt Pauli and formed the USSF, and VP Productions. USSF was formed to promote the interest of strongman competitions in America. VP Productions was formed to educate the up and coming Scottish Athletes, by developing a series of training videos that will enhance their athletic awareness of the Scottish events.

© VP Productions
Vierra at the 1996 World Championships
ASL: Were you always and big and strong as you are now? When did you start lifting and competing? Did you play any sports as a kid or in college?
Vierra: No, I started lifting in Jr. high at a bodyweight of 140 pounds. I was introduced to all the Olympic lifts as well as powerlifting. It was my senior year that I was finally starting to gain the weight that I was expecting, reaching just over 200 lbs. Once I entered the College level of athletics, that was where I started to see my biggest gains in weight and in strength. I was fortunate to have been coached by Bob Mckay. Bob guided me through an awesome and productive training program that escalated my athletic performances during my pre-collegiate years.

© VP Productions
Ryan sends the 56 on a trip at the 1996 world championships